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We are fine but becoming dangerous January 20, 2013

Posted by starshipexercise in MIgraine, Recipes and Food.
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We are fine but becoming dangerous.

That was the sum total of a text my dad sent me one fine day. Well, that and a self-portrait of him and my mother looking kind of gangsta. (I blame his employer for giving him an iPhone.) I admit, I was immediately intrigued. It turns out they were picking a new floor for their kitchen.  Oooooo. Scaweee.

My parents are pretty awesome. If you want to get some of your own, apparently they’re highly rated on Amazon.


After the past two days of migraines, I felt a lot better today. Started out not too bad, and got better as the day progressed. By the time of this writing, I am almost fine. Practically dangerous, even. Day three of migraine recovery went like this:

Bitch research.

Yesterday I realized I’m something of a frugivore. That means I like fruit. A lot. Since I’m eating anything I want while getting over this migraine, I’m pretty full of it right now. Just keep that in mind.

Here’s today:

Science Project Breakfast

1/2 gluten free, old-fashioned oatmeal
1/2 frozen, pitted cherries (sweet dark variety, unsweetened)
dash cinnamon
pinch kosher salt
1 cup water

  1. Place ingredients in large-ish, microwave safe bowl (or you can use a cereal bowl, and watch oatmeal erupt all over your microwave like cherry-colored lava)
  2. Nuke for 3 minutes
  3. Add cold water if needed to thin it out or cool it down

Why Bother, We’re ALL GOING TO DIE ANYWAY Lunch

2 cups arugula
4 HUGE strawberries, sliced
1 egg + 1 egg white
salt and pepper to taste

  1. Place arugula and strawberries in bowl. 
  2. Scramble eggs.
  3. Scrape the hot eggs into bowl right on top of arugula and strawberries.
  4. Don’t judge me, it’s not THAT weird.
  5. Season and enjoy.

One, Two, Snack, Too

Leftover roasted butternut squash

There’s not really a recipe here, or even a single meal. These are just the things I snacked on throughout the day.

I must be feeling better, because I actually cooked dinner. Plus, I discovered the Rice button on my microwave. I’m intimately familiar with the Popcorn and Potato buttons. I’ve toyed with Defrost and Auto-defrost with varying degrees of success. But I have to admit, in the 10 years I’ve owned that microwave, I never even once noticed the Rice button. Makes me wonder what other buttons I’ve been ignoring all this time because actually, there are a lot of them.

And dayum, it makes good rice. All these years, I’ve been moping around, feeling deprived because I didn’t have a rice cooker. What a waste of good angst.

Beef Stir Fry with Rice Button Rice

Servings: 4

1 cup Jasmine rice
1 3/4 cup water, plus extra for stir fry
1 lb beef, cut up for stir fry
1 large red bell pepper, cut into bite size pieces
1 small bunch of baby broccoli (or maybe they call it broccolini?) cut into bite size pieces
powdered ginger, salt, pepper, powdered garlic, oregano, to taste

  1. In microwave safe container, combine rice and water. Cover, place in microwave and hit RICE button.
  2. Mix stir fry beef with seasonings. Spray pan with canola oil and get it hot. Throw beef in pan and get it nice and brown. Remove beef.
  3. Throw veggies in pan. Season with whatever you like. I just threw in more of what I put on the meat.  I put about 1/2 cup of water in with the veggies to scrape up the good bits and make some juice. We like juice.
  4. Drop meat back in pan, and mix everything together. Everything should finish up right about the same time. Serve in bowls, with some of the pan juices spooned over the rice.

This is not trying to be amazing cuisine. This is plain old, headache-free food. I served my husband his bowl with a bottle of sriracha on the side, so he could en-spice-ify it to his heart’s content.


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